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Sexual & reproductive health

Sexual & reproductive health

Sexual & reproductive health

Women of childbearing age constitute approximately 23 percent of Liberia’s 3.5 million population. The population growth rate is estimated at 2.1 percent with a total fertility rate of 4.6 percent and teenage pregnancy rate of 38 percent. Complications during pregnancy and childbirth remain the leading causes of death and disability among women of reproductive age.

Limited skilled providers, poor geographic access due to bad roads and inaccessible terrains, poor logistical facilities coupled with Gender Based Violence (GBV) is common and harmful traditional practices and general poverty contribute to the unacceptably high maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality.

UNFPA provides technical and financial support to the government through the Ministry of Health and partners toward the reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality which currently stands at 1072 per 100,000 live births; one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world. These efforts target:

  • Development of policies, guidelines and strategies on reproductive health including family planning;

  • Provision of extensive health provider training on life saving emergency obstetric and neonatal care;

  • Provision of essential reproductive health commodities;

  • Scaling up of the use of long acting family planning methods;

  • Refurbishing of public health facilities;

  • Comprehensive obstetric fistula management;

  • Strengthening of midwifery education and regulation as well as midwifery association’s capacity.

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